
3 Simple Things You Can Do Daily To Protect Your Mind, Health, and Peace During This Season – Day 1

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I understand things feel kind of tricky right now.  Most of us are locked up in the house and doing our best to not lose our minds from information overload, homeschooling kids and keeping everyone from eating all the quarantine food in one day.  (Why is everyone so hungry??) lol

So, here are 3 Simple Things You Can Do Daily To Protect Your Mind, Health, and Peace During This Season.

Limit your time on social media.

Social media will have you losing your mind if you just keep scrolling.  Limit the amount of time you will spend on social media each day. 20 minutes in the morning and 20 in the afternoon and do not log on at night.  You don’t need all of those random social media facts resting on your mind before you go to bed at night

Work out as a family for 30 minutes.

If you are anything like me, you have been eating like it was going out of business while you binge-watch your favorite sitcoms.  Don’t do it, girl. Summertime will still be here before you know it and you want to look good in that swimsuit. Just 30 minutes will help you burn those extra calories you’ve been consuming.  Make it fun. Turn on music and dance with the family. Compete and see who can do the most jumping jacks. Or go online to youtube and work out using one of the millions of free workout videos.  They have something for everyone.  

Start each day with gratitude.

Take out your prayer journal every morning and create a list of at least 20 things you are grateful for.  We overcome by the word of our testimony. Testify and remind yourself exactly how blessed you are every single day.  This activity reprograms your mind and makes you focus on what’s going right in your life instead of what is going wrong. 

BONUS – As always, make sure you are praying DAILY.  Give every worry, fear, anxiety, and doubt to God.

Stay blessed Sis!

Arrettres Hollins

It is definitely time to pray Sis!  Check out my digital 30 day devotional for women called FIRE.  It is filled with 64 pages of daily scriptures, affirmations, prayer notes, gratitude entries and reflection time. ​

With this prayer journal, you will experience 30 days of feeling closer to God, more at peace regardless of what is going on around you and experiencing constant joy daily.

Click here for details –>

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