
Don’t confuse being your husband’s helpmate with being your husband’s God.

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If you are carrying the load and responsibility of “helping” your husband grow in God and be a better person, you are doing too much.

How do you know when you are doing too much?  When the burden is weighing you down. If you are consumed, frustrated and no longer seeking God to do the work in your husband, then you may have drifted into trying to “fix your husband”.

Here are a couple of signs that you may be at risk:

  1. You have given your husband a timeline for his spiritual growth.
  2. You are more focused on his lack of growth and no longer focused on your own growth and spiritual healing.
  3. You are trying to get him to fill YOUR vision.
  4. You are using manipulation to get him to do things that are “Christlike”.
  5. You are no longer seeking God for direction or following his leading.

There is a thin line between supporting your husband’s spiritual growth and playing God in his life.

Pray for your husband, support him, encourage him, and give him to God. Trust God!   Seek him for guidance and wisdom regarding how he wants you to support your husband.   Focus on doing what God tells you to do.   Be the praying wife that God wants you to be.   Then, let God do what only God can do.

If you are struggling with restoring your marriage and would like God to transform your relationship while rebuilding yourself emotionally, I have an amazing resource available for you….. The Ultimate Wives Power Pack!

The Ultimate Wives Power Pack” will enable you to pray targeted prayers that will drastically transform your marriage, have your husband consistently shower you with your love language, virtually eliminate the ongoing challenges you have been experiencing in your relationship, and much more.

This downloadable bundle includes:
– A digital copy of the Ultimate Wives Journal & Daily Devotional.
– The Ultimate Wives Calendar with suggested daily affirmations for your husband.
– A digital copy of the workbook FIRE!
– BONUS Instant access to the Ultimate Wives 30 Day Challenge.

So click the link grab your Power Pack before they are all sold –> http://bit.ly/2KfDO3o

Stay Blessed Sis!

Arrettres Hollins

Founder of, 

Join my free 5-day online course that will teach you the 5 stages of emotionally healing from past trauma and how to protect your marriage from future pain.  Click the image below for instant access.

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