
(Video) Prayer Points To Activate Peace In Your Marriage Immediately!

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I was tired of everyone telling me to just pray for my husband when I was ready to walk away from my marriage.  Not because I didn’t believe in prayer, but, because I was already praying.  And nothing changed.  So I felt like I was wasting my time.  It wasn’t until I sat still long enough to really get with God regarding why my prayers weren’t being answered.  I needed to be intentional about praying “the will of God”.  Not just my selfish desires.  Here are a few of the Prayer Points To Activate Peace In Your Marriage Immediately.  

Watch this video to view my live video discussing “Peacemaker vs. Peacekeeper”.

Conflict in your home

The enemy wants you to believe that a peaceful home should be a home without conflict.  If there is conflict, something is wrong.  

This is a lie.  If there is conflict, you are just two human beings.  It’s “how” you resolve conflict in your marriage that is a red flag or badge of honor.

Peacekeepers vs. Peacemakers

Matthew 5:9 says “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” 

There is a HUGE difference between being a peacekeeper and a peacemaker.  


Peacekeepers simply want to keep the peace and disguise true differences with fake unity.   

  • They are passive.  
  • Ignore problems.  
  • Refuse to address issues.  
  • They think they are being biblical because they are quiet.  

They are under the impression that they are doing the will of God because they don’t make people angry.

But, this is a lie and contrary to the word of God.

Experience constant peace during tough seasons of marriage



Peacemakers run toward conflict to create peace.  They don’t seek out conflict; they take the initiative to work through conflict, not around conflict. Fear of conflict can hold us back in relationships. Sometimes it’s not even fear as much as the refusal to be “that person” who stirs up “trouble”.

Peacemakers act to unify people. They see an issue and pursue a resolution that honors God and creates unity.

“Let us, therefore, make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.” – Romans 14:19

So as you seek to be a peacemaker you must pray that these points be manifested in your life. These prayer points are not the selfish prayers we tend to recite hoping to get God to move.  These prayer points are focused on the will of God, our alignment, and our obedience to His instructions.

  1. Deliver us from Sin.  Ask God to heal and deliver you from sin.  Reveal the areas of your life where you are offending him through thoughts and actions.  Pride, Envy, Wrath, Gluttony, Lust, Sloth, Greed
  2. We should pursue to grow in the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control; against such things, there is no law.
  3. Empower us with an immediate yes to the holy spirit when it leads and guides us.
  4. Give US a servant’s heart to fulfill the purpose and plan for our life.
  5. Show us where we are NOT being peacemakers and fill us with the tenacity to resolve conflict peacefully.

Choose to pursue being a peacemaker.  It isn’t easy.  But, we must take the stance that is righteous and unites our family.  Be direct, clear, and focused on a solution that glorifies God at all times.

Stay Blessed Sis!

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