
Month: March 2023

(Video) What is secretly stealing your peace in your marriage?

If you’ve experienced marital trauma and have chosen to stay with your husband, I commend you.  You have chosen to allow God to do what only he can do which is restore your marriage and make it stronger than it was before.  During this journey, you may experience moments where your emotions are all over […]

Blog Healing After An Affair & Rebuilding Trust In Your Marriage ReIgniting Love & Reconnecting With Your Husband Spiritual Growth & Connecting With God

(Video) How to find peace in a bad marriage

Marriage is NOT for the weak.  This is what my friends and I normally say when we speak about the challenges of love and marriage.  Don’t get me wrong, it s a BEAUTIFUL thing.  But, you have to be realistic.  There are challenges.  It doesn’t matter how hard you try, you and your husband will […]

Blog Healing After An Affair & Rebuilding Trust In Your Marriage ReIgniting Love & Reconnecting With Your Husband