It’s easy to forget just how powerful our subconscious minds can be. We are often completely unaware of how our actions (or inactions) are affecting our lives. We may complain that things never work out for us, we have bad luck, or we just don’t have what it takes to be successful. What we fail […]
If you are having issues with creating boundaries in your marriage, then this is perfect for you. I created the 30 best tips that I have seen work when it comes to creating boundaries in your marriage. Here are my 30 tips to creating boundaries in your marriage & examples: Use Clear Communication. Get your […]
Marriage during the pandemic requires an effective balance of separateness and togetherness. The proper ratio varies from couple to couple. Too much time together can be as challenging as not enough. Divorce lawyers are reporting a huge increase in inquiries from unhappy people wanting a divorce. Luckily, there are steps anyone can take to decrease […]
Let’s face it; if you’re looking for advice on marriage, you could spend DAYS researching on the internet without even scratching the surface of all the marriage advice that’s out there. But the sad fact is, that’s what most people in your situation do…they RESEARCH…but never ACT on the concepts and ideas they learn about […]