
Month: December 2014

Are you obsessed with Social Media?

Are you obsessed with Social Media? I LOVE my cell phone.  Can not leave my home without it.   Every free unoccupied moment is normally spent with my face looking down at that tiny screen.  If I am not looking at the screen, I am sitting with it in my hands.  Funny thing about it, I […]

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Arrettres Hollins

Motivation and Inspiration Spiritual Growth & Connecting With God

It will happen!

Arrettres Hollins

Busy Mom Life & Self Care Motivation and Inspiration Spiritual Growth & Connecting With God

You have the power to make things happen in your life.

You have the power to make things happen in your life. I am always fascinated by people that want big things to happen in their life.   They want a new job, want their business to grow,  want to lose weight, want to relocate.   They have this wonderful list of things they want changed in their […]

beauty blog Blog Business Blog Busy Mom Life & Self Care Motivation and Inspiration Spiritual Growth & Connecting With God

Never give up on having the marriage of your dreams

Never give up on having the marriage of your dreams All successful wives have had the words “give up” pop into their minds.  Most wives have thought about giving up.   Whether you are in the middle of a heated debate with your hubby or enjoying the Happy Wife Life.  At some point, you questioned your […]

beauty blog Business Blog Busy Mom Life & Self Care Motivation and Inspiration Uncategorized

How to increase sales and reach Presidents Club with Avon in 2015?

How to increase sales and reach Presidents Club with Avon in 2015? It is time to start planning now.  If you are serious about making money with Avon, now is the time to dust off your boots and create a plan for success. Presidents Club is VERY obtainable.   If you create a plan of action […]

Leadership Training Sell Avon/Training Uncategorized