The shocking truth about God that you should never forget.
I remember it like it was yesterday. After my third negative pregnancy test, I was just sitting there in my bedroom. I was mixed with emotions. On one side I felt guilty. I've already experienced the blessing of giving birth to 3 amazing and healthy little girls. Why am I sad that I am not pregnant again? I felt as though I was being greedy. With so many women that are unable to have children, how dare I feel sad about not begin able to have another child? But, then I felt that sinking feeling of doubt that shook me ...
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Learning How To Overcome Self Sabotage And Internal Thoughts
It’s easy to forget just how powerful our subconscious minds can be. We are often completely unaware of how our actions (or inactions) are affecting our lives. We may complain that things never work out for us, we have bad luck, or we just don’t have what it takes to be successful. What we fail to realize is that we are actually creating our own circumstances through subconscious self-sabotage. In order to overcome self-sabotage we first have to use conscious awareness to explore our emotions and fears, and understand how they influence our actions. Once we have determined the cause ...
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(Video) What I learned when I really decided to trust God with my marriage.
Let me be honest right from the beginning. I have issues with control. Well, let my husband tell it..."I am a control freak". I like to create plans, have a defined structure, and get results. To me, this isn't a bad thing. It is the foundation of having a successful life. Right? Well, sometimes being a control freak can actually be evidence that you are not fully trusting God. This was definitely evident in my marriage. So after many years of trying to do things my way, I fully surrendered to God's way. I want to share with you what ...
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(Video) 4 Key Factors That Are Probably Missing From Your Healing Journey and Hindering Your Progress.
Time does not heal all wounds. This is one of the biggest misconceptions I've ever heard. When left untreated, time can cause a horrible infection with consequences far worse than the initial pain. The same concept is true for inner healing. When your heart has been broken bitterness, unforgiveness, anger, resentment, and fear will develop if left untreated. If you've experienced heartache and struggling with recovery, there are 4 key factors that are probably missing from your healing journey and hindering your progress. Click on the image below to check out the full video. 1. You need someone who's been ...
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(Video) What’s really keeping you from enjoying your marriage and how to fix it within the next 24 hours.
In reality, marriage can be one of the most difficult relationships to navigate through. Problems and conflicts are normal things to encounter in marriage. Choosing to stay married is not enough. You deserve to live your Happily Ever After! Yes, it's even still possible after the heartache of infidelity. It takes intentional work. Enjoying your marriage is the ultimate goal for most couples. But some couples are not able to get to a place of love in their marriage again. So I wanted to share and highlight what's really keeping you from enjoying your marriage and how to fix ...
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All these lies they have been feeding you about infidelity!
All these lies that they have been feeding you about infidelity! I’m so tired of seeing gurus spread lies about healing from infidelity. It hurts me to see so many people stumble when it comes to healing because of all these lies being spread in the coaching industry. It all ends today. I will uncover some of the biggest lies I have observed being repeatedly told in this industry, with the biggest lie at the end of this email! Lie 1: Wives must be quiet and passive. This is a terrible one. They tell you that you can’t speak up ...
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Calm Your Emotions Instantly! 10 Ideas That Really Work
Many wives are struggling with their ability to calm their emotions. Why? Because many wives are focusing on outside forces and things that are going on around them. They believe if they control what is going on around them, then they will be able to calm their emotions. They believe inner peace is based on what is going on around them. But, this isn’t true. What does internal peace mean for you? Does it mean a place of sanctuary where you can come home from stressful situations and find that place of safety away from the ‘cares of the world’? ...
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How to take charge of your emotional healing and start living your best life!
I have coached and mentored wives for the past 15+ years. All this experience has resulted in the development of a profound emotional healing process, called Restorative Boundaries After Infidelity Method, which anyone can learn and use throughout their marriage (free course available – see the resource box at the end of the article). The first step of this process is willingness. You cannot begin a journey without your willingness to do so. Without your willingness to do whatever it takes to heal, you will not begin the journey of healing and embracing love. Doing whatever it takes means that ...
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Get rid of the stress of trying to fix your husband once and for all
Your life will be so much easier, smoother, and better If you stop trying to fix your husband. I understand you see the greatness inside of him, or you just want him to stop doing some of the foolish things that drive you crazy. But, there are a couple of things you need to understand. Especially if he has a victim mentality and doesn't take responsibility for his actions. You can't fix your husband. There are people in this world who are accustomed to being the victim. They're accustomed to letting life happen to them. They're accustomed to playing the ...
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