
Tag: what to do when you have trust issues

Ask Arrettres…. I am scared my husband is losing his faith in God.

faith in God

This is a question I received from one of the women in our Sister Circle.  All names have been changed to protect the identity of everyone involved.   Hi!  Good morning from the Philippines!   I’m Mary and thank you for allowing me to part/member of your club.  I just wanna say I was so uplifted by […]

Blog Spiritual Growth & Connecting With God

(Video) 5 secrets to being a loving wife even when you are mad at him.

Whoever created the term “Live happily ever after” obviously wasn’t have been married.   The concept of total marital bliss is very misleading.  Don’t get me wrong now.  You will have amazing times with your husband.  Sharing life with the man you love can be a dream come true.  But, be clear.  At times, it could […]

Blog Conflict Resolution & Communication Healing After An Affair & Rebuilding Trust In Your Marriage

(Video) Staying after he cheated?

Marriage is a major commitment.  Studies have shown that in 40-50% of marriages, either the husband or wife has cheated.  It happens even as early as 1-2 years into the marriage.  WHAT?!?  That sure is early, but, these are facts.  Couples are experiencing the betrayal that engulfs cheating at an alarming rate.  But, many couples […]

Blog Healing After An Affair & Rebuilding Trust In Your Marriage

(Video) What to do when trusting your husband feels impossible.

Unfortunately, there may come a time in your marriage when your husband will say or do things that will remove trust from your relationship.  It doesn’t have to be something as big as an affair or a hidden love child.  Even small infractions of lies or concealing the truth will create a wedge between you […]

Blog Healing After An Affair & Rebuilding Trust In Your Marriage